Friday, October 30, 2015

if CSS style sheet changed

Control  F5 to clear the cache to reload the style sheet

or weeks? Try opening the style sheet itself (by entering its address into the browser's address bar) and pressing F5. If it still doesn't refresh, your problem lies elsewhere.
If you update a style sheet and want to make sure it gets refreshed in every visitor's cache, a very popular method to do that is to add a version number as a GET parameter. That way, the style sheet gets refreshed when necessary, but not more often than that.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css?version=51">

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

run asm on visual studio

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

IIS relative path

<div style="WIDTH: 100%" class="pageTitleSection"><A href="/">
      <img src="Images/logo.png">

if web site setup on virtual directory, you can use web browser F12 key console to see if it can load image file. 'Images" is a folder in the VS project directory,

below dose not work:
img src="../images/logo.png"
img src="/images/log.png"
img src="../../images/log.png"

below worked:
img src="Images/logo.png"
img src="./Images/logo.png"

Friday, October 2, 2015

Assign value to session

                                Session(Util.ATTR_FORM_XML) = xml
                                Session(Util.ATTR_FORMNAME) = New
                                Session(Util.ATTR_FORM_XKEY) = xKey

Thursday, October 1, 2015