Sunday, April 19, 2015

Partial view injection

Basically there are 4 steps to achieve this:
  1. Create a PartialView.
  2. Create a place holder html control.
  3. Use jQuery’s load method to fetch the partial view from the server and inject it into the place holder.
  4. Create a server side Action in a Controller that will return the partial view.
Here’s a quick example how this can be done. We’ll use the same partial view created earlier (i.e. MyPartialView.cshtml). So now we have to prepare a place holder div, and use jQuery to load and inject the response:
1: <a href='javascript:getView();'>Get Partial View</a>
2: <script type="text/javascript">
3:     function getView() {
4:         $('#divResult').load("@Url.Action("GetView" , "Home" )");
5:     }
6: </script>
7: <div id='divResult'>
8: </div>
  • Line 1 is a simple anchor which will invoke the JavaScript containing jQuery’s load.
  • Line 4 is the simple one-line code which performs an ajax call to the server’s GetView action in the Home Controller (will be done shortly), and injects the result.
  • Line 7-8 is where the result will be injected to.
And now for the server side – pretty self-explanatory:
1: public ActionResult GetView()
2: {
3:    return PartialView("MyPartialView");
4: }
When we run the sample, prior to the Ajax call this looks like this:

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