Thursday, September 3, 2020

Plogon Python for Alpaca

 # Be sure to pip install websocket-client

# Details:

import websocket
import json
def on_message(wsmessage):
    with open('data.txt''a'as outfile:
        json.dump(message, outfile)

def on_error(wserror):

def on_close(ws):
    #print("### closed ###")

def on_open(ws):

f = open("demofile.txt""a")
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # websocket.enableTrace(True)
    ws = websocket.WebSocketApp("wss://",
                              on_message = on_message,
                              on_error = on_error,
                              on_close = on_close)
    ws.on_open = on_open


1 comment:

  1. Borgata to open new casino in Las Vegas - JTM Hub
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