Friday, July 8, 2016

Box Sizing

Box Sizing

Until now the box model has been an additive design. If you set the width of an element to 400 pixels and then add 20 pixels of padding and a border of 10 pixels on every side, the actual full width of the element becomes 460 pixels. Remember, we need to add the widthpadding, and border property values together to get the actual, full width of an element.
The box model may, however, be changed to support different calculations. CSS3 introduced the box-sizing property, which allows us to change exactly how the box model works and how an element’s size is calculated. The property accepts three primary values—content-boxpadding-box, and border-box—each of which has a slightly different impact on how the box size is calculated.

Content Box

The content-box value is the default value, leaving the box model as an additive design. If we don’t use the box-sizing property, this will be the default value for all elements. The size of an element begins with the width and height properties, and then any paddingborder, or margin property values are added on from there.
div {
  -webkit-box-sizing: content-box;
     -moz-box-sizing: content-box;
          box-sizing: content-box;

Browser-Specific Properties & Values

What are all those hyphens and letters on the box-sizing property?
As CSS3 was introduced, browsers gradually began to support different properties and values, including the box-sizing property, by way of vendor prefixes. As parts of the CSS3 specification are finalized and new browser versions are released, these vendor prefixes become less and less relevant. As time goes on, vendor prefixes are unlikely to be a problem; however, they still provide support for some of the older browsers that leveraged them. We may run across them from time to time, and we may even want to use them should we wish to support older browsers.
Vendor prefixes may be seen on both properties and values, all depending on the CSS specification. Here they are shown on the box-sizing property. Browser vendors were free to chose when to use a prefix and when not to. Thus, some properties and values require vendor prefixes for certain browser vendors but not for others.
Moving forward, when a property or value needs a vendor prefix, the prefix will only be used in the introduction of that property or value (in the interest of keeping our code digestible and concise). Do not forget to add the necessary vendor prefixes when you’re actually writing the code.
For reference, the most common vendor prefixes are outlined here:
  • Mozilla Firefox: -moz-
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer: -ms-
  • Webkit (Google Chrome and Apple Safari): -webkit-

Padding Box

The padding-box value alters the box model by including any padding property values within the width and height of an element. When using the padding-boxvalue, if an element has a width of 400 pixels and a padding of 20 pixels around every side, the actual width will remain 400 pixels. As any padding values increase, the content size within an element shrinks proportionately.
If we add a border or margin, those values will be added to the width or heightproperties to calculate the full box size. For example, if we add a border of 10 pixels and a padding of 20 pixels around every side of the element with a width of 400pixels, the actual full width will become 420 pixels.
div {
  box-sizing: padding-box;

Border Box

Lastly, the border-box value alters the box model so that any border or paddingproperty values are included within the width and height of an element. When using the border-box value, if an element has a width of 400 pixels, a padding of 20pixels around every side, and a border of 10 pixels around every side, the actual width will remain 400 pixels.
If we add a margin, those values will need to be added to calculate the full box size. No matter which box-sizing property value is used, any margin values will need to be added to calculate the full size of the element.
div {
  box-sizing: border-box;

CSS3 Box Sizing
Fig 4
Different box-sizing values allow the width of an element—and its box—to be calculated from different areas

Picking a Box Size

Generally speaking, the best box-sizing value to use is border-box. The border-box value makes our math much, much easier. If we want an element to be 400 pixels wide, it is, and it will remain 400 pixels wide no matter what padding or border values we add to it.
Additionally, we can easily mix length values. Say we want our box to be 40% wide. Adding a padding of 20 pixels and a border of 10 pixels around every side of an element isn’t difficult, and we can still guarantee that the actual width of our box will remain 40% despite using pixel values elsewhere.
The only drawback to using the box-sizing property is that as part of the CSS3 specification, it isn’t supported in every browser; it especially lacks support in older browsers. Fortunately this is becoming less and less relevant as new browsers are released. Chances are we’re safe to use the box-sizing property, but should we notice any issues, it’s worth looking into which browser those issues are occurring with.

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