Dim myDllLoaded As DLLWrapper
Dim oDll As DLLWrapper = New DLLWrapper(sTypeName, sDLLName, sDLLFilePath)
If myDllLoaded IsNot Nothing Then
' Activate method in the DLL for processing email
If Not myDllLoaded.ActivatedOnce Then
If Not myDllLoaded.ActivateDLLType() Then
Throw New Exception(String.Format("Not able to load DLL {0}", oEmailType.TypeName))
End If
End If
If myDllLoaded.ActivatedOnce Then
Dim aryEmail(0) As WenOutlookEmail
aryEmail(0) = myEmail
' Process each email
If myDllLoaded.ProcessTasks(aryEmail) Then
' Delete email after it has been processed successfull
The class below called DLLWrapper
Imports System.Reflection
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Xml
''' <summary>
''' Wrapper to get all necessary information to load DLL and activate method of DLL.
''' </summary>
Public Class DLLWrapper
#Region "Constants"
Private Const METHOD_NAME As String = "MyMethod_in_DLL"
#End Region
#Region "Attributes"
Private m_bActivatedOnce As Boolean
Private m_iTryToActivateCount As Integer
Private m_oAssembly As Assembly
Private m_sTypeName As String
Private m_sDLLName As String
Private m_sDLLFilePath As String
Private m_oType As Object
Private m_oMethodInfo As MethodInfo
Private m_oDLL As Object
#End Region
#Region "Properties"
Public ReadOnly Property ActivatedOnce() As Boolean
Return m_bActivatedOnce
End Get
End Property
#End Region
#Region "Public methods"
Public Sub New(ByVal sTypeName As String, ByVal sDLLName As String, ByVal sDllFilePath As String)
Dim sClassAndMethodName As String = String.Empty
Dim sFullName As String
m_bActivatedOnce = False
m_iTryToActivateCount = 0
m_sTypeName = String.Empty
m_sDLLName = String.Empty
m_sDLLFilePath = String.Empty
Dim oAssemblyName As AssemblyName = New AssemblyName(sDLLName)
oAssemblyName.CodeBase = sDllFilePath
m_oAssembly = Assembly.Load(oAssemblyName)
sFullName = sTypeName
m_oType = m_oAssembly.GetType(sFullName)
m_oMethodInfo = m_oType.GetMethod(METHOD_NAME, New Type() {GetType(myDLLObject)})
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Invoke method in DLL to process.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="aryEmail">The array of email object.</param>
''' <returns></returns>
Public Function ProcessTasks(ByVal aryObj() As myDLLObject) As Boolean // all DLL has the same method name ProcessTasks
Dim bRc As Boolean = False
If m_oMethodInfo.Invoke(m_oDLL, aryObj) Then // calls MyMethod_in_DLL in each DLL(dynamiclly loaded) and pass aryObj
bRc = True
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Return bRc
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Activates(creates) an instance of the DLL
''' </summary>
''' <returns></returns>
Public Function ActivateDLLType() As Boolean
Dim bRC As Boolean = False
If Not m_bActivatedOnce Then
m_oDLL = Activator.CreateInstance(m_oType, xxxxx) //xxxxx is the parm for new() method, it could be a logger object
If m_oDLL IsNot Nothing Then
m_bActivatedOnce = True
bRC = True
End If
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Return bRC
End Function
#End Region
End Class
You can mark a field as required in an input form by either using a bare required attribute or setting a required attribute equal to required.
For example: <input type="text" required /> or <input type="text" required="required"
SVG images can be searched within a DOM.
Figure is the Semantic tag for grouping stand-alone content. Like video or image.
Footer is the Semantic tag for Providing author, copyright data.